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1 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:22:15am

“You can talk to Iran but you won’t talk with the republicans or extremists, as you refer to them. In case you missed this, they were elected by people that don’t agree with you. The reason they control the congress is because lots of people don’t agree with you. You have a lot of nerve condemning them for doing what their constituents want. A 43% approval rating means you have some room for improvement.”

Congress has an approval raiting in the single digits, and they were elected by gerrymandering as in the last election somehow a million more total votes getting cast for democrats equals a congress with 33 more republicans than democrats.

Also there is a difference between “talk to” and “negotiate with”

What are Republicans willing to give up if Obama gives into their demands?

Is “funding the government” or “not defaulting” some great boon that the Republicans are granting the democrats?

If it is than we are in a sorry state as we have a become a nation where one political party is utterly determined to wreck the country they are trying to get elected to!

2 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:25:31am

“The people who will sign up for Obamacare are the people that need help and that is good and the people that think they will get something for nothing. When they find out it will cost them something they will disappear, because they know they can walk into any ER and be treated.”

If someone has had their legs broken and is brought into an ER what do you expect the ER to do for them?

Do you expect them to not only put their legs in casts, but also a few months down the line provide them with the physical therapy to help them learn to walk again?

An emergency room is fine for an emmergency but you NEED insurance if you are going to be dealing with any sort of protracted problem.

Do you disagree with this Francis?

3 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:27:24am

re: #2 jamesfirecat

“The people who will sign up for Obamacare are the people that need help and that is good and the people that think they will get something for nothing. When they find out it will cost them something they will disappear, because they know they can walk into any ER and be treated.”

If someone has had their legs broken and is brought into an ER what do you expect the ER to do for them?

Do you expect them to not only put their legs in casts, but also a few months down the line provide them with the physical therapy to help them learn to walk again?

An emergency room is fine for an emmergency but you NEED insurance if you are going to be dealing with any sort of protracted problem.

Do you disagree with this Francis?

I would advise you to not waste time with the Letter Troll, James. It does not listen and it will not learn. Just downding its pages and move on, that’s my advice.

4 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:29:08am

“You rammed this ACA through the house and senate”

Why do you say it was rammed throu the house and Senate? I recall the debate taking the better part of a year…

After checking (and I can give links if you want them) the ACA/Obamacare started out getting drawn up opin July of 2009 and was not signed till march of 2010.

That is seven months unless I have my math wrong.

Is seven months really “ramming a bill through” to you Francis?

5 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:32:27am

re: #3 Dark_Falcon

I would advise you to not waste time with the Letter Troll, James. It does not listen and it will not learn. Just downding its pages and move on, that’s my advice.

Thank you for the concern DF but if nothing else, in addition to a political debate I consider it a bit of a mental health exercise, the more clear establishment of identity, reaching for a better defintion of oneself through the process of defining clearly what one is not and does not agree with.

6 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:34:47am

“The ACA starts on October 1st no matter what. Are they going to have the necessary funding to move forward or will they have to wait until you and congress stop playing games?”

Don’t worry Francis

Since Obamacare is mandatory spending the money will be there even if the govenrment “shuts down” .

7 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:37:24am

“It is time for you to be the President and realize that you are 1/4th of the equation, then we have the senate, congress and the people that put them there, you keep forgetting them.”

Francis if the majority of republicans in the house demand “defund Obamcare” no matter what, and can not be swayed what options does Obama have?

He can either give them what they want or he can refuse. They have shown no desire to compromise on this issue and have cast over 40 votes to defund it,

If they have shown some desire to work cooperatively on this issue, please provide me withme proof of it,

If you believe he has other options please explain to me what they are.

8 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:38:33am

Also since you seem to have some trouble with looking back at questions brought up in previous threads let me reiterate myself in this one.

In that case what do you think of my argument from the last time we talked about this?

Healthcare is a good with no alternatives to it, because if you do not get the healthcare you need, you’re going to die.

This makes it a service which has stronger built in opportunity for collusion and price gouging than any other I can think of, which in turn means that it should be treated as a public utility which we can depend upon rather being forced to deal with the free market.

Don’t you think that is a logical argument?

If you don’t please find me some examples of other first world nations that have decided to leave healthcare to the free market and how well it is (or isn’t) working out for them,

9 ObserverArt  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 9:33:05am

You know, simplistic thinking never gets anyone anywhere. You cry about President Obama calling some in congress extremists so I guess it has been okay for that same congress to say the President wasn’t legit and then proceeded to feed all the crazy thinking by standing in the way of just about everything up to and including storm relief for the east coast. Simplistic and politically blind too.

10 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 11:36:09am

re: #3 Dark_Falcon

I listen to any one will to have a discussion. Who made you the authority on what is right or wrong? I respect other people’s opinion and I don’t expect people to agree with me all the time. I base my opinions on life experiences and common sense. Most of the information I post is from liberal media and my feelings. You take the hard line just like Obama, but your opinion is still worth something even if I don’t agree wit it. Keep strolling thru the pages till you find something you like and will make you happy. My problems with Obama are not personal, I just don’t like the way he does things and forgets about the poor.

11 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 11:38:55am

re: #9 ObserverArt

I don’t care if he is legit or not, he was voted in and he should reflect the moral behavior of pass presidents. I object to the way he does or doesn’t do things, not who he is.

12 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 12:00:43pm

re: #1 jamesfirecat

James, everyone should have insurance and everyone should pay something just like they do for a drivers license. I object to the special classes, wavers, and technical problems with the bill. The ACA was passed on Dec. 24th after they stopped a filibuster. There should have been more investigation and congress did a terrible job with that. It was all political and no substance.

He has a good option, have the republicans agree to the results of a medical panel that will resolve the issues with the ACA, not the insurance companies or the medical suppliers of the drug manufactures. The Cleveland Clinic, which Obama praise, is a good example of an efficient medical establishment, but because of cuts to Medicare they will have to cut 330 million from their budget and that means people losing their jobs.

He should take the best of Medicare and the successful hospital organizations and work from there. He has options and so does congress.

The last say on medical care should be the doctors and not the government. The final say should come from the patient or family if the patient isn’t able.

The market is a free restricted market, with a limited profit, but there are too many paper companies making paper profits from a persons medical misfortune.

13 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 1:25:16pm

re: #12 francis

James, everyone should have insurance and everyone should pay something just like they do for a drivers license. I object to the special classes, wavers, and technical problems with the bill. The ACA was passed on Dec. 24th after they stopped a filibuster. There should have been more investigation and congress did a terrible job with that. It was all political and no substance.

He has a good option, have the republicans agree to the results of a medical panel that will resolve the issues with the ACA, not the insurance companies or the medical suppliers of the drug manufactures. The Cleveland Clinic, which Obama praise, is a good example of an efficient medical establishment, but because of cuts to Medicare they will have to cut 330 million from their budget and that means people losing their jobs.

He should take the best of Medicare and the successful hospital organizations and work from there. He has options and so does congress.

The last say on medical care should be the doctors and not the government. The final say should come from the patient or family if the patient isn’t able.

The market is a free restricted market, with a limited profit, but there are too many paper companies making paper profits from a persons medical misfortune.

You say a lot but don’t answer my question Franics.

I support a single payer government run healthcare system, because that is what every other industrial nations the world uses, and it achieves better results (on average people live longer and pay less than here in America) than we get.

Do you support the same?

If not why do you thunk the American Free Market can suddenly turn around and do better than the standard set by every other nation after failing to do so for so long?

I support the ACA because it is a step towards a single payer solution (something we could not get passed without a truly monumental number of democrats in both houses of congress) so I will settle for half a loaf of bread today in the hope that as Americans see that government can do a good job running healthcare they will want more of it and elect people who will put in place a single payer system.

As for needing to “stop a filibuster” so what?

Have you not noticed that Republicans filibuster everything these days?

Also what should Obama do if the GOP refuses to follow the advice/suggestions of a medical panel?

14 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 1:38:09pm

re: #10 francis

I listen to any one will to have a discussion. Who made you the authority on what is right or wrong? I respect other people’s opinion and I don’t expect people to agree with me all the time. I base my opinions on life experiences and common sense. Most of the information I post is from liberal media and my feelings. You take the hard line just like Obama, but your opinion is still worth something even if I don’t agree wit it. Keep strolling thru the pages till you find something you like and will make you happy. My problems with Obama are not personal, I just don’t like the way he does things and forgets about the poor.

Who do you believe cares more about the poor, Obama or the GOP and why?

15 Sionainn  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 2:37:02pm

re: #11 francis

I don’t care if he is legit or not, he was voted in and he should reflect the moral behavior of pass presidents. I object to the way he does or doesn’t do things, not who he is.

“Moral behavior” of past presidents? What in the world are you talking about?

16 122 Year Old Obama  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 3:23:46pm

re: #15 Sionainn

“Moral behavior” of past presidents? What in the world are you talking about?

If I had to hazard a guess, it would be “being white”.

17 ObserverArt  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 5:41:26pm

re: #11 francis

I don’t care if he is legit or not, he was voted in and he should reflect the moral behavior of pass presidents. I object to the way he does or doesn’t do things, not who he is.

Oh really. Then what you are saying is anything that Nixon did from his dirty tricks to his escalation of the Viet Nam war was just fine and dandy. Then you’d have to excuse Reagan and his whole Iran Contra cutting a deal with America’s #1 enemy at the time.* George Bush 2 was all upfront and totally moral with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even after announcing Mission Accomplished it trudged on for another 8 years or so. That’s a great way to do things. Big Bill Clinton had his issues and many questioned his morals. But you are fine with all that correct?

*Which brings up how Obama seems to be making strides on these very issues still lingering from Carter and Reagan times. You don’t approve of any of that behavior or the way it is being done? Then about Bush 2 and the wars…need you be reminded of who actually has scared the terrorists and got Bin Laden? Maybe you don’t like those tactics, but then that would all be on the president.

Oh I get it, Obama is too moral? ///

18 majii  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 5:46:07pm

Fuck off, francis. You’re nuttier than most republicans in Congress. You keep embarrassing yourself on LGF with your crazy letters to President Obama that reflect only your right-wing opinion of him and his job performance. Neither I, nor the president and many others gives a rat’s ass what your want. If you think you can do a better job, haul your ass to your state GOP office, sign up and run for president. If you’re elected, you’ll definitely view the job from a totally different perspective than the one you have now.

19 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:38:08pm

re: #14 jamesfirecat

neither especially Obama, the gap has widen under his administration

20 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:40:36pm

re: #18 majii

You need to respect other people’s opinions and get a dictionary. T don’t like his performance or the direction he is taking this country.

21 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:43:49pm

re: #17 ObserverArt

I’m talking about their ability to compromise and get the job done and stop blaming everyone. No President walks away clean but they still get the job done. Obamacare should have been put to rest 2 years ago. He has kept it on the burner with his delays and wavers.

22 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:47:16pm

re: #16 122 Year Old Obama

well your guess is wrong, what does being white have to do with it, it is all about getting the job done the right way. I’ll take Colin Powell over Obama any day or even Hillary.

23 francis  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 7:52:29pm

re: #18 majii

I base his performance on my business experience and getting the job done. Why is congress still talking about Obamacare three years after it was passed? You need to open your eyes . Where are your suggestions to fix the problems in this country?

24 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 8:07:23pm

re: #19 francis

neither especially Obama, the gap has widen under his administration

So would you support raising taxes on the rich then to narrow the gap?

25 jamesfirecat  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 8:08:49pm

Francis, is there any event that would convince you it was the GOP and not Obama who insist on continuing to make the ACA an issue rather than just letting it get inacted?

Are you at all open to that possibility or do you just think it is flat out impossible?

26 Sionainn  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 8:58:46am

Still waiting for clarification of your “moral behavior” comment, Francis.

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